11-AUG-23 NEWS
Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Liz explores the scenic Cape Fear River Trail in North Carolina, USA and Heather introduces us to her charming New Farm Animals in Utah, USA. It's Discoveration Friday, and we are exploring Rube Goldberg Project Based Learning. In World News: Ecuador Assassination; Iran Frees US Prisoners; IRS Loses Tax Records; UPS Hottest Job; and more! Plus, an update from the Office of the Guardian!
09-AUG-23 NEWS
Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Nancy takes us on a tour of her favourite Local Food market in Virginia, USA and Dong Wan shows us his abundant Garden Behind Kitchen in Rwanda, Africa. In World News: Iran Sex Tape Scandals; US Credit Card Balances; UK Disease X Vaccine; Sup...
07-AUG-23 NEWS
Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Claudia explores the history of Ghost Swimming Pools in Georgia, USA and Meral shares the vibrant SUPALOT Festival in Germany. In World News: Ethiopia State Of Emergency; India Railway Development; Slovenia Record Floods; Solar Panel Waste; a...
04-AUG-23 NEWS
Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Synthia takes us on a tour of the famous Niagara Region and Chukwudi Kingsley shares a creative Culture Dance from Nigeria. It's Discoveration Friday, and we are exploring Mastery-Based Learning. In World News: UN Criticizes IMF World Bank; ...